I speak very freely; the time is not for courtesies. She was very quiet and very comme il faut. 我话说得非常放肆;现在不是讲究礼貌的时候。她平时金口难开,非常讲究社交礼节。
It is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money. 对一位绅士来说,经常向别人要钱是不合适的。
Everything must be done comme il faut, an expression that applies equally to getting married and getting drunk, stuffing a duck and filling in a form, addressing an envelope and addressing a teacher. 但他们却不赞同任何不符合规矩的行为。事事都要合乎规矩,结婚、醉酒如此,填鸭、填表如此,写信封、称呼老师也如此。